Let me test your potable water supply, especially if your property has a private well, cistern or septic system.
Private Water Supplies: If your drinking water does not come from a public water system, you get your drinking water from a household well or you utilize a cistern for water storage, you alone are responsible for assuring that it is safe. Before purchasing a home with a private water supply you'll want to be sure the water is safe to drink. Testing for a few of the most common contaminants is highly recommended. Even if you currently have a safe, pure water supply, regular testing can be valuable because it establishes a record of water quality. This record is helpful in solving any future problems and in obtaining compensation if someone damages your water supply.
There are a variety of bacteria, parasites and other organisms which can cause health problems when ingested. Analyzing for each would be costly and difficult, instead public health agencies have chose to measure for Total Coliform Bacteria (TCB). TCB are NOT naturally occurring in groundwater and must have some source of entry. Their presence indicates that disease-causing organisms could also be present in the water. When your water is tested for Total Coliform Bacteria, it is also tested for E. coli. The presence of E. coli indicates that the water has been in contact with human or animal waste (feces) and is an immediate risk to human health if consumed.
How frequently should I test? Test water initially and every year after for total coliform bacteria, nitrates, total dissolved solids and pH levels, especially if you have a new well, or have replaced or repaired pipes, pumps or the well casing.
Is there a bad taste, odor or staining issues? Test for sulfate, chloride, iron, manganese, hardness and corrosion. If you suspect other contaminants, test for these also.